12 Expert Insights to Help Covered Entities Kick Off 2024

From HIV to 340B, we gathered thought leaders’ insights on issues our covered entity partners care about the most. Read on for ideas to fuel your 2024 mission.

Out with the old, in with the new? Not so fast. Last year, The Avita Blog chatted with some of the industry’s top thought leaders on the issues our covered entity partners are most passionate about. Hot topics included keeping pace in today’s turbulent 340B world, health equity as a human right, getting real about the fight to end HIV, and more. No worries if you missed a few; you can find our entire content library here—and we’ve hand-selected some favorites below. Read on to learn what experts had to say about:

Health equity for underserved & marginalized communities

“We must make efforts to address the digital divide and empower digital health literacy. Don’t miss an opportunity to educate your patients. Leverage social media, blogs, videos, influencers, and step-by-step guides.”
—Dr. Jennifer Peña, medical director, Q Care Plus
Read the entire story here: How PrEP Can Transform Your HIV Prevention & Care Delivery

“It’s so much more than just medication and treatment. Every soul wants a connection with another human.”
—Jaycee Clark, patient and advocate
Read the entire story here: A Journey Worth Fighting for: Jaycee’s Wellness Story

Navigating a rapidly changing 340B environment & future-proofing your covered entity’s mission

The 340B program is incredibly complex and can be intimidating. A covered entity’s focus should be on taking care of patients and growing its breadth of services while they let a trusted 340B partner administer the program for them.”
—Michael Yount, chief executive officer, Avita Care Solutions
Read the entire story here: 3 Tips for Choosing a 340B Partner

“In an ever-changing 340B environment, community health organizations must leverage every opportunity to integrate efficiency, effectiveness, and compassionate care to future-proof their missions. Enter (you guessed it) technology—and ensuring yours is doing triple duty.”
—Troy Polan, chief information officer, Avita Care Solutions
Read the entire story here: Is Your Technology a Triple Threat that Boosts Your Mission?

“The pandemic disrupted our lives and shifted our daily routines, including taking care of our health. In addition to normal patient churn, covered entities lost ground to patient engagement activities and other means of building their patient bases. To stay sustainable, they must embrace marketing to reignite the community and remind patients where to find compassionate, culturally competent care.”
—Glen Pietrandoni, chief advocacy officer, Avita Care Solutions
Read the entire story here: The Top 5 Marketing Tips for Building Your Patient Base

Where we are in the fight to end HIV

“Many epidemiologists are waiting anxiously to see the outcome of our checkered policy landscape, which could influence where we’re going with ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic.”
—Greg Millett, vice president, AmfAR
Read the entire story here: Why Ending HIV Depends on Protecting LGBTQ+ Rights

“Accessibility to PrEP is not a gay thing; it’s not a trans thing. It’s a prevention of getting HIV thing so we can end HIV in America by 2030.”
—Toni Newman, director, Coalition for Justice and Equality Across Movements, National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC)
Read the entire story here: Toni Newman vs. Health Inequity—“Let’s Fight, Baby.”

Why an integrated healthcare model is the future of compassionate care

“There will never be a single health care delivery solution. Telehealth is not the end-all-be-all and brick-and-mortar is not the sole long-term option either. Patients are looking for a blended choice.”
—Lee Horner, chief growth officer, Avita Care Solutions
Read the entire story here: It’s Time to Embrace a Hybrid Model of Patient Care

The criticality of advocacy from the private & public sectors

“The private sector is a critical force for good, and many employers are motivated by doing the right thing. Because at the end of the day, doing the right thing is not only good for their employees, it’s also good for their businesses.”
—Stephen Massey, co-founder, Meteorite, creator, U.S. Business Action to End HIV
Read the entire story here: Why Doing the Right Thing Is “Good for Business”

“Providers need to understand their roles in helping secure the positive future of the 340B program. By publicly articulating how 340B has helped their patients, clinicians can educate and dramatically change the minds of policymakers.”
—Dr. Christopher Hall, chief medical officer, Avita Care Solutions
Read the entire story here: Provider POV: 340B is Critical. We Must Raise Our Voices.

Why pharmacists are central to health equity & how covered entities can get the most out of their pharmacy relationships

“Communities, corporations, and other stakeholders need to understand how central the local pharmacist is to the health of a neighborhood—and grasp the potentially dire consequences when one disappears.”
—Jennifer Cocohoba, PharmD, AAHIVP, FCSHP, co-vice dean of clinical innovation and entrepreneurship and vice chair of faculty development, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco
Read the entire story here: Pharmacists are Crucial Health Care Change Agents

“Whether it’s a designated staff member or multiple members of your organization, it’s helpful to sit down with the pharmacy staff and understand our workflow. We can discuss how to intermingle it with yours and make your mission even more successful.”
—Alexis Townsend, PharmD, AAHIVP, pharmacist-in-charge, Avita Pharmacy
Read the entire story here: Beyond the Script: Caring for Patients “Changed My Life”


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