340B News Sources Covered Entities Shouldn’t Miss

Is your covered entity team in search of reliable sources for 340B program news, advocacy campaigns, policies, events, and more? Then don't miss this list.
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Now more than ever, the 340B Drug Discount Program is a rapidly changing environment that can be tough for even the savviest covered entities to navigate. While leveraging the expertise of a strategic 340B partner is always the surest route to successfully future-proofing your mission, the following sources are also reliable tools for day-to-day insights on 340B news, advocacy campaigns, issues and policies, events, and learning opportunities.

(Resources listed in alphabetical order)

  • 340B Health:
    340B Health is a membership-based organization representing more than 1,500 public and private nonprofit hospitals and health systems participating in the 340B drug discount program. Its resource-packed website includes advocacy updates and tools, the latest 340B news, an exclusive blog, research reports that advance 340B program policy and advocacy agendas, a full schedule of events and conferences, The 340B Insights Podcast, and a job board for 340B-related opportunities.

  • 340B Report:
    Known as “the indispensable source of independent, comprehensive news coverage and analysis of the federal 340B drug discount program,” 340B Report diligently follows 340B program developments in federal government agencies, the courts, Congress, states, associations, the private sector, academia, and more. New editions are published each Tuesday and Thursday and when breaking news happens. While a subscription is required, first-time subscribers can use the code Avita25 for 25% off the regular rate.

  • Community Voices 340B (CV340B):
    Community Voices 340B (CV340B) is a grassroots nonprofit organization committed to “educating the public about the importance of the 340B program and leading the collective action needed to bring a voice to the real beneficiaries of the 340B program.” Its website hosts a streamlined, integrated package of tools to help stakeholders advocate for the program’s importance, including social media assets, email templates for petitioning members of Congress, educational slides and fact sheets, and downloadable graphics. It also offers on-demand webinars, advocacy roadmaps, opportunities to join regional advocacy groups, and 340B news updates.

  • Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) 340B Drug Pricing Program webpage:
    A wealth of knowledge for both seasoned 340B pros and those just getting started, HRSA’s 340B Drug Pricing Program webpage offers educational resources, guidelines for contract pharmacy services, 340B eligibility rules, registration instructions and deadlines, detailed program requirements and updates, helpful information about program integrity concerns, drug manufacturer notices and resources, insights into the 340B administrative dispute resolution process, FAQs, and other industry-specific advisements and contacts.

  • National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
    Founded in 1971, the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) promotes “efficient, high-quality, comprehensive health care that is accessible, cultural and linguistically competent, community-directed, and patient-centered for all.” One of its strategic pillars is securing sustainable and reliable funding to meet the increasing demands for the services of community health centers. This includes working to protect 340B eligibility, coverage, and payment. Its 340B Drug Pricing Program webpage covers current threats to the program and updates on what the organization is doing to protect 340B for its constituents. The 340B Resources page includes a searchable portfolio of toolkits, infographics, webinars, and other assets.

  • Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access:
    Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC340B) is a national, membership-based organization of HIV/AIDS medical providers that receive support under the Ryan White CARE Act—and are thus eligible to participate in the 340B program. The group was formed to defend the benefits of the 340B program for Ryan White grantees and all nonprofit 340B program participants that offer primary care with a focus on those living with HIV/AIDS. Members receive legal and compliance advice from the organization’s team of experts and access to a peer-to-peer program for strategic or operational questions. Anyone can access the site’s sections related to advocacy updates, tips and templates, exclusive research, a tailored news page, and details on upcoming events and conferences.

Have suggestions for additional 340B program news sources? Reach out to us at [email protected] and let us know!


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