National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

May 19

May 19 marks National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NAPIHAAD). This annual awareness day highlights enduring HIV stigma among Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities and advocates for HIV prevention and treatment.

Although HIV rates among API individuals are lower when compared to other racial and ethnic groups, the impacts are still the same. Help combat negative API stereotypes that contribute to their invisibility in strategies to address HIV domestically and the impact of HIV/AIDS on these communities is often overlooked.

Caption 1: National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a day to address the impact of HIV on AAPI people. We can help #StopHIVTogether by educating ourselves about the specific needs of these communities and by advocating for accessible health care, culturally competent support, and inclusive awareness campaigns. Let’s make a difference together!

Hashtags: #NAPIHAAD #BreakTheStigma #KnowYourStatus #UnitedAgainstHIV

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