National HIV Testing Day

June 27

Avita Care Solutions knows that HIV testing is a powerful tool that can start the care, prevention and treatment individuals living with or at risk of HIV need to live healthy lives. National HIV Testing Day encourages everyone to get tested for HIV and advocate for accessible, compassionate care. 

Join us as we continue to ensure that more people get tested for HIV.

Caption 1: Getting tested for HIV and STIs is an important part of overall health and wellness for anyone who is sexually active. It is especially important if you: 

  • Have multiple sexual partners 
  • Use drugs
  • Have recently had condomless sex 
  • Had STIs in the past

Haven’t tested in a while? Visit your primary care provider, a telehealth company, or your local sexual wellness clinic and get tested today. 

Caption 2: Why is testing for HIV important? Early detection of HIV leads to faster treatment and better health outcomes. With proper treatment, people with HIV can live long, healthy lives. By ensuring your viral load is undetectable, you also prevent the spread of HIV. 

Commit to #GetTested today.

Hashtags: #NHTD ##BreakTheStigma #KnowYourStatus #UnitedAgainstHIV #StopHIV #UequalsU

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