World AIDS Day

December 1

World AIDS Day reminds us of the profound impact that testing has in the fight against HIV. Testing is an integral part of achieving overall health and is a great way to educate, support, and empower patients as they seek prevention and treatment options. This day is also a reminder that Undetectable=Untransmittable (U=U). 

People living with HIV who have an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV to their partner(s). This is something to celebrate! 

Join Avita Care Solutions as we encourage everyone to get tested and to educate themselves!

Caption 1: We have come far in the HIV movement, and those living with HIV now live long, happy, full lives.  

HIV is preventable. Through once-daily pills (PrEP), people are protected.  

HIV cannot be transmitted through those who are undetectable. 

HIV doesn’t define people, it’s simply an aspect of their lives.  Commit to be kind, stay educated, and continue to push for change in your communities.  

Caption 2: Today is World AIDS Day, commemorated each year to celebrate the progress made in the prevention and care of HIV. In honor and remembrance of the 39 million lives lost to HIV/AIDS, we commit to continue fighting stigma, advancing testing, and increasing educational outreach until we reach #ZeroHIV.  

Hashtags: #WAD #WorldAIDSDay #BreakTheStigma #KnowYourStatus #UnitedAgainstHIV

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