Glen Pietrandoni

Chief Advocacy Officer

Chief Advocacy Officer Avita Care Solutions Glen Pietrandoni

Glen is deeply engaged in Avita’s mission as an industry advocate and thought leader for HIV patient care and the continuation of the 340B program benefiting our patients and partners. He is responsible for networking with pharma and government officials to represent Avita’s views and discuss industry activity. Glen leads the efforts to advance Avita Care Solutions programs and continues to look at educational opportunities that improve the health and the lives of the patients we serve. As an Avita culture advocate, he plays a key role in building an inclusive culture through our internal programs and benefits.

Glen has a 30-year career overseeing HIV and Hepatitis business and strategy for Walgreens and its parent company, Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA). Prior to WBA, he was the owner of independent pharmacies in the Chicago area. Glen serves on the board of pharmacy for the State of Illinois, is chairman of the board of trustees of AIDS United, and earned American Academy of HIV Medicine and Apexus 340B certificates.

“Since the early days of the HIV epidemic, I have committed myself to providing stigma-free health care in my community and communities around the country. I’m proud to be part of the Avita Care Solutions team as we continue to serve those most in need, while treating our patients and partners with respect and compassion.”

Glen received a B.S. in Pharmacy from St. Louis College of Pharmacy, St. Louis, Missouri.

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