HIV, PrEP, & LGBTQ+ Patient Care

Cultural Competency Meets Clinical Expertise

If you provide clinical care for patients in the LGBTQ+ community or patients living with or at risk of HIV, you know how important it is to deliver not only expert clinical care but affirming care as well. When patients come to your clinic for care, it is often just the first step in a complicated journey to better health.

Do you know if your patients’ pharmacies are continuing that clinical expertise and cultural competency?

Trans man smiling

Cultural Humility & Competency

Cultural humility and cultural competency are critically important when working with our patients and partners. They help us have a greater understanding and appreciation of experiences that are different from our own.

Gender expression, gender identity, and pronouns are profoundly important to your patients and necessary to consider in their overall care journey.

Does your patients’ pharmacy address them with the correct pronouns?

Misgendering by a culturally incompetent pharmacy is just one of the many ways a patient may fall out of care without you even realizing why. Avita’s care model has been designed around culturally humility, competency, and affirming care. We even have a place in our records to document our patients’ pronouns and ensure we address them appropriately.

At Avita, we treat patients as individuals, and we are actively involved with the communities we serve through as well as supporting our partners with marketing and outreach materials. We learn from our patients and acknowledge their unique experiences and how these experiences affect health and access to care without making assumptions. By doing this, we can promote accessible, affordable, culturally competent, and top-quality care. 

Couple holding hands

Avita Patient

“I do not think my husband would still be alive if we had used a chain pharmacy. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate the service that Avita provides. I trust them to the fullest.”

Clinical Expertise

Avita understands the unique challenges your patient communities face and has deep expertise in HIV, PrEP, and LGBTQ+ care. Our culturally competent teams provide the affirming, compassionate, and individually focused care they need and deserve.

Our AAHIVP certified pharmacy led teams specialize in HIV care. We provide refill reminders, with securing financial assistance, 24/7 pharmacist access, personalized delivery, benefit coordination, and adherence programs to help make a meaningful difference in our patients’ lives.

Want to learn more about how Avita can help ensure your patients are receiving compassionate, affirming care from doctor’s appointment to prescription pick up? Fill out the form below and an Avita representative will reach out.

LGBT Men smiling, sitting on a bed


Community Support


Pharmacy Expertise

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