Isn’t it high time we treat sexual wellness like part of our overall wellness? With the same care and attention we pay to our physical, emotional, everything else health?

We think so too.

Avita is here to help everyone—of every walk, talk and sashay of life—take care of the whole them (sexy time parts and all). So, whatever you’re into, we’ll keep you well and loving it with a safe and welcoming environment, knowledgeable care teams, compassionate gender-affirming care, and way, way more. Let’s get SEXUWELL!

Talking with your health care provider can be scary, but everyone has sexual health and wellness needs and curiosities. Here’s some tips to get you started:

Find the right provider.

Finding a culturally competent health care provider who understands your unique needs can make it easier to discuss your sexual health. Do research, get recommendations, ask questions before you commit to a provider. Finding someone you’re comfortable with who also empathizes with your challenges is important.

Be honest.

Your provider may ask you questions about your sexual health or sexual practices that feel very personal or embarrassing. We get it, but it’s important to answer honestly. These questions aren’t (or shouldn’t be!) a judgment. Providers just need to know so they can make the right recommendations for you.

Ask questions.

Not all providers will have a focus on sexual wellness, so make sure they understand it’s a priority for you. Asking questions is the key to good communication with your provider. If you don’t, they may assume you already know the answers or aren’t interested in more information.

Sexual health is overall health.

It's time we all feel comfortable asking the hard questions about our sexual wellness.


Sexual Preferences

Gender Identity

What You Do in Bed

HIV Status



Sexual Preferences

Gender Identity

What You Do in Bed

HIV Status


SEXUWELL is an empowering, sex-positive awareness campaign brought to you by Avita Pharmacy. We are passionate about working with health care providers to bring affirming, compassionate care to the community.

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